Why Printer Ink Is So Expensive

Printer ink has been around since the 1960s. Innovations and new technological advances have been made in the printer sector over the past 50 years and yet, the cost of printer ink keeps rising. Back in 1988, when Hewlett Packard created the common printer for around 1,000 dollars, it was a commodity in the household. Nowadays, one can purchase a...

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How to correctly change Brother toner cartridges in your printer

Changing your toner cartridge can sometimes seem like a daunting task. You’ll open the printer, pull out the “big black thing with the green tabs”, replace the toner cartridge and somehow find yourself lost on your way back to putting the darn thing back. Was it the toner I put back? Is it the large black thing? Do I put...

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The Quest4Toner shopping experience

Welcome to Quest4Toner! You’ve bought a toner or ink cartridge and have had a wonderful experience using our website! Our easy to use web experience has put savings in the palm of your hand, giving you cost breaks across all cartridges!  Now your printer’s out of ink and you’re ready to reorder. Thankfully, our system offers ease-of-use and quick reordering...

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If I Shake an Ink or Toner Cartridge, does it really Make It Last Longer?

With all printers, like most things, there is only so long a shelf life it can have without giving any issues. And by issues, we mean changing the ink or toner so it can keep printing for you. Now as luck always has it, you get that indicator that the ink or toner is low on your printer at the...

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Difference between compatible and original toner cartridges and inks

There are common misconceptions when it comes to knowing the difference between compatible and original toner cartridges and inks. The quality of your printing and your page yield will not be compromised when “settling” on a cartridge alternate. We will learn the main differences between cartridge alternatives and all the technological advances the printing industry has made so you can...

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